Saturday, September 27, 2008

Born Alive

Washington, DC ( -- A new pro-life group that features a late-term abortion survivor is running a national television advertisement against presidential candidate Barack Obama. The ad takes Obama to task for his votes against a bill to care for survivors of such abortions when he was in the Illinois legislature.
The new group, is a joint effort between Gianna Jessen, who survived a saline abortion decades ago, and pro-life blogger Jill Stanek.
Stanek is the former Chicago-area nurse who exposed the practice of live-birth abortions, where doctors purposefully cause the premature birth of an unborn child for the sole purpose of letting her die.
Her exposure of the practice led to the Illinois bills Obama opposed and a national law President Bush signed requiring medical centers and personnel to provide such babies with adequate medical care after birth.
"I'm a survivor, as are many others...but if Barack Obama had his way, I wouldn't be here," Jessen says in the ad.
"Four times, Barack Obama voted to oppose a law to protect babies left to die after a failed abortion. Senator Obama, please support born alive infant protections. I'm living proof these babies have a right to live," Jessen adds.
Stanek tells that Obama's campaign is not officially responding to the ads.
"We're hearing from the media Obama's people are telling them they have no comment on the Gianna ad, that Obama didn't vote for Born Alive because it would undermine Roe," she said.
"Even if that were true, which it is not, am I hearing Obama admit he supports infanticide if it would otherwise interfere with legalized abortion?" Stanek added.
The $350,000 ads are airing currently in New Mexico and Ohio, two key tossup states that could determine the outcome of the election between Obama and Senator John McCain, who opposes abortion.Obama has said he voted against the Born Alive bill in Illinois because it would have undermined Roe v. Wade and the so-called right to abortion, but documents from the Illinois legislature show he voted for an amendment to rectify that issue and still voted against the bill.
The ads are run by the new group, a 527 organization known as and the ads are financed by Raymond Ruddy, a Mississippi pro-life activist who was a supporter of Mitt Romney during the Republican primaries.
The group says its mission "is to educate the public on the IL Born Alive Infants Protection Act and Senator Obama's record opposing this act.

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